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Incredible learning experiences for you and your child to share.

Kids 2 Arrow

Try one of our 30 “ready to teach” lessons
in your next math class.

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Discover the world of DragonBox through our apps! Each app offers a unique experience that is interactive and engaging to give children a powerful digital learning experience.

From 4 to 8 years old

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Any child to crack the reading code on their own with by exploring a game world that sparks their curiosity and allows them to teach themselves to read.

Picdb Appicons3+db numbers 1+2
Numbers Numbers
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Easily learn what numbers are, how they work and what you can do with them. With four innovative activities, learning fluidity and flexibility with numbers has never been easier! 

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Bignumbers Bignumbers
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Learn big numbers, long addition and subtraction in DragonBox's newest game! Players do 4000 operations to gather, trade and to unlock new worlds.

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Algebra5 Algebra5
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An intuitive and engaging game that teaches children as young as 5 the process needed to solve basic linear equations.

Littlebox chess game app picture+335x287 Appicons3+db chess 1
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An epic learning adventure for anyone who wants to learn how to play chess. Join grandmaster Max on her adventure to solve puzzles and beat bosses, and become a grandmaster yourself!


From 8 & up

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Kahoot+multiplication+logo Kahoot+multiplication+logo
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Turn the chore of memorizing the times tables into an awesome experience. 20+ wacky and exciting mini games keep kids practicing until they can recite the times tables with ease.

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12 12
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Building on the teachings of Algebra 5+, this app takes it to the next level with more advanced algebra and mathematic topics.

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Dragonboxgeometry+%25281%2529 Dragonboxgeometry+%25281%2529
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Challenge yourself to save Euclid's Island while learning the properties, definitions and relations of geometric shapes through Euclidian proofs.

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Discover engaging ways to include math in your child’s everyday
life and stay up-to-date on the latest news in education
and mathematics. Take your child’s learning to the next level!

Award winning games


Games for Change Best Learning Game

1st Prize


International Mobile Game Awards

Best Serious Game


Nordic Games Awards

Best Nordic Innovation

Praised by the press

...the first thing you should download on a tablet if you have kids 4-8 years old.

This app is so brilliantly 
designed that it makes learning difficult concepts seem easy

The most impressive math education app I've seen...

Discover engaging ways to include math in your child’s everyday life and stay up-to-date on the latest news in education and mathematics. Take your child’s learning to the next level!

Read more »

Db method

The DragonBox Method is a unique approach that uses motivation-based learning techniques to give children a deeper understanding of how and why things work.

Noom board

Activating the motivation and desire to learn.

Learning through exploration and discovery.

Creating deep understanding of the learning through reflection and conversation.

Deepening the learning through progression and application.

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